Fashion Designers bikini - Beautiful Girl

Fashion Designers bikini

Carrigan said the approach at the counter will all be related to what's going on in fashion - makeup artists will be called "stylists" he said, and they'll be looking at all the latest fashion news and runway images each season for new ideas on how to use a product.

Mark Carrasquillo, ck Calvin Klein global makeup artist who works with Carrigan, reinforced the notion that one of the main tenets of the collection is to show women how to use color.

"You might put a green and blue eyeshadow together, but it's all about the application and how you wear it to make it new," said Carrasquillo, pointing to another model wearing the two colors in a fresh, not gaudy way - muted shades of the colors, applied lightly to the eyelids and extending slightly past the length of the brow.

The products, in lip, face and eye categories, come in sleek transparent lucite packaging designed by Fabien Baron ("Little mini pieces of sculpture for your dresser," said Carrigan), will feature a base of colors but will add trend colors once a season, as well as a new product exclusive to the season.

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