Very hot asia - Beautiful Girl

Very hot asia

Here's my advice: If you really want to go to the Prom with a date, don't wait around hoping for a guy to ask you. Make it happen and go ask a guy to the Prom! I know it's scary, but there are a lot of guys out there who feel the same way you do. They want to go to the Prom, but they don't know who to ask, or they are afraid of rejection, or maybe they are just too shy! Want to know a secret? Sometimes the shy guys are the nicest guys at school, but since they aren't outgoing, no one knows!

When you're deciding who to ask, consider every guy you know. Your date doesn't have to be your future boyfriend--he could just be a friend. If no one is coming to mind, let your friends know that you're on the lookout for a date. They may have a friend who'd be perfect. Your parents or relatives also might have friends who know someone you could ask.

If you don't find a date, go to the Prom anyway and make it a night to remember by enjoying it with your friends.

I'm crossing my fingers for you!

If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know.


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