Bikini's Colour

Stretch marks are super-common during the teenage years, when the body is growing a lot. Lots of girls have them, but they tend to show up more on some skins rather than others. Often they go away with time. But obviously you're concerned with right now! In terms of Prom or Homecoming, I think it's a better idea not to look to your dress to do the job of covering your arms, shoulders, and back. The dresses that do so can be pretty horrid, and in limited supply as well.

Instead, I think it's better to find a great dress that's too bare and then find a cute cotton or cashmere sweater, a lace or velvet jacket, or something of that nature to wear over your dress to cover your arms, back, and shoulders. You can also try a real or faux fur stole that hooks in front so that you don't have to hold it, or a crocheted openwork sweater. The fall and holiday season are the best times to find a cover-up that will work with a fancy dress. An alternative is to have a lace or other fabric jacket made in a color to coordinate with your dress.

Anna Jong of China

How great is it that you have a date?! Wow! That's what you should be focusing on, not the height issue. But I agree, it's something small to stress over, and we all do that. First of all, let's keep in mind that this guy asked YOU to be his date, he did not ask a shorter girl. If he were concerned with height, he would have found a shorter girl, end of story. Obviously the height issue is not primary on his list of priorities, so neither should it be on yours. That said, I do think it's fine not to want to wear heels if you don't feel comfortable being way taller (though if you wanted to, I think it would be fine). There are lots of great flats out there, both in sandals and ballet styles.

When you're shopping for shoes, just look for the lowest shoes that you have available to you. And remember, an inch here or there isn't going to make a huge difference. If you can't find anything totally low, don't freak. Just look as pretty as possible, because that's what's going to make him the happiest--not you being the shortest! Make the evening about having fun together, not about who's taller or shorter.

welcome Hot Bikini

Dear Bridgette:

Don’t get discouraged! Even though you’re too young to attend FIDM, or launch your career in the Fashion Industry, there’s a lot you can do to prepare for your future that will help you a lot in the coming years. For instance:

  • Read fashion history books. If you need help, go to the public library and ask the librarian for help in finding what you’re looking for
  • Read fashion magazines
  • Find picture books on different Fashion Designers
  • Rent old movies to study what people were wearing in other decades
  • Window shop often, to learn the new styles and watch fashion change season by season, year by year
  • Shop in thrift stores, used clothing stores, and flea markets to see fashions from the past (‘40s and ‘50s to the ‘80s and ‘90s)
  • Visit museums that are having clothing exhibits
  • Get a job in a clothing store and begin learning the Fashion Industry from the ground up

Starting your fashion research now will pay off. If you do any of these things over the next few years, you will definitely reap the benefits later!

From one fashion fanatic to another,

Bikini Model

Just a few other tips: Make sure you practice your hairstyle BEFORE Prom night. Have some friends over and try out styles on each other. Also, be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before Prom. That way you'll look and feel your best.

We have lots of other great Prom Prep tips at So check them out (I'm pasting the link below). The most important thing is that you have a GREAT time! Click Here

If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know.

Bikini Model

Just a few other tips: Make sure you practice your hairstyle BEFORE Prom night. Have some friends over and try out styles on each other. Also, be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before Prom. That way you'll look and feel your best.

We have lots of other great Prom Prep tips at So check them out (I'm pasting the link below). The most important thing is that you have a GREAT time! Click Here

If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know.